step 1°

Empire's Website

From the common house, the glory of the Empire is born. We are raising mighty columns and grand temples to forge the order and strength of our legions!

Step 2°

Definition of the Outposts

Throughout history, every great empire has required a network of strategic outposts to consolidate its rule, expand its influence, and ensure control over conquered lands. The Romans were masters of this approach: through well-positioned outposts, they built a solid, resilient power structure capable of withstanding external threats.


Why Are Outposts Essential?
Outposts are not merely military or economic stations; they are the pillars of imperial dominance. They serve to:

  • Expand the territory in an organized and controlled manner.
  • Ensure security and stability, acting as defense and control points.
  • Facilitate trade and communication between different territories.
  • Serve as strategic hubs for political and economic decisions.

Step 3°

The conquest begins

After forging our armies of legionaries, after raising silent outposts ready to awaken, the time has come: the conquest of strategic assets begins.


Every quarter, the fruits of our expansion will be distributed among the legionaries, rewarding their commitment and vision.

But have you still not realized who the legionary is?

Simple: the legionary is you.